"However fragmented the world, however intense the national rivalries, it is an inexorable fact that we become more interdependent every day. I believe that national sovereignties will shrink in the face of universal interdependence. The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat." - Jacques Cousteau

Share with us...one ocean, one dream.



At Ocean Detox, our goal is to identify and execute the most viable solution to combat ocean pollution. With our strategic global alliances, we will raise awareness through education and grass roots marketing. We are firmly committed to uniting and informing the global community of the important role we all play in preserving our resources, wildlife, and environment. Pollution is a universal issue, which transcends all boarders. We all share in the responsibility of protecting the health and beauty of our ocean . . . share with us, one ocean, one dream.

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oceandetox.org 2008